The first big change was that I finished student teaching (or, should I say I survived it?) and upon completion I also graduated. Now I can call myself an alumni! Second, Derek found out his transfers were accepted, and instead of going on a 7 month deployment, we was transferred to Charleston, SC where he has a job that does NOT involve the ocean or long trips out to sea! Needless to say this made us extremely happy, as now we can spend more time together. Also, on a count of his transfer, we bought a house. Its an adorable 3-bedroom, 2-story house on the outskirts of Charleston. We both look forward to spending our time playing a real life version of "house." In addition to changing stations, Derek has also changed ranks. He was promoted about a month ago to Petty Officer 1st class! I couldn't be prouder of him... And, the most important change, is that we have a tiny addition to the family coming soon! On May 4th we found out we will be having a baby, and we cannot wait. Charlie is going to be the BEST big sister in the whole entire world-- she can't wait either (even though we know she'll be a little jealous!). We don't know if it'll be a boy or girl yet, but I am sort of hoping for a boy... I think Derek is, too!
So, everything this year has came together nicely. Life has picked up speed lately, and after one big turn of events, another one seems to follow shortly after. Graduation, moving, a house, a promotion, and now a baby on the way-- we have sure stayed busy! I am blessed to have this life, and I am truly grateful for all of the wonderful blessings that have happened recently. Keep the good fortune coming, and meanwhile we will be setting up house and getting ready for the baby! I promise to not let 9 years go by before posting again-- so I will keep everyone updated on whats new with us.